I used to be the type of person who would just 'wing it' at the grocery store. I'd show up with no exact plan in mind other than just buying tasty food. And wouldn't you know, every time I did that I ended up buying tons of completely unnecessary things.
Like I'd go to the store thinking: "Hmm, I need some fruits", and then I'd walk out with $100 dollars worth of breakfast burritos and refried beans. So, my hard-earned money? Gone. My time? Wasted. My intentions of eating a bit more healthily? Out the window. And yet my refrigerator still looked sad and hungry. But not anymore....
I created the perfect grocery list to maximize time, energy, money, and health!
The key lies in the layout of my grocery list. I decided to divide up the typical grocery store by 4 sections: Produce, Frozen, Refrigerated, and Shelves. This way, at each section of a grocery store you know exactly what to get. And then you don't have to wander back and forth looking for things and accidentally buying the whole store while you're at it. It has worked so well for me that I had to share it with you! I created the template and made it available to you in this article.
Here's how to use my grocery list template:
Step 1: Print out the grocery list template
Step 2: Add your desired produce (aka: fruits and veggies)
I almost always add my favorite fruits like apples, bananas, and blueberries to my list.
Step 3: Add your desired frozen foods.
Frozen foods get a bad rep. But many of them are excellent healthy choices. For instance, buying frozen fruits and veggies can save so much time and money! This is because you can store them for months and cooking them can be as easy as heating them up in the microwave.
Step 4: Add your desired refrigerated items
Refrigerated items are a bit more tricky. Make sure you have enough space in your refrigerator for the things you want to buy. Don't forget that some produce may need to go in the refrigerator as well. Also, check expiration dates. Buying too many perishable items can waste your money if they spoil before you have time and the hunger to eat them all.
Step 5: Add your shelved items.
Shelved items include all of the foods you find on the shelves, usually in the center of the store. They are also mostly contained items such as canned and boxed foods. Shelved items can be great because they can lasts up to years. However, they can also be tricky. Many shelved items can be highly processed items. So before you shop, make sure you jot down the best choices for you.
Step 6: You're ready to go!
Here is the template I created to plan out my grocery shopping. Click on the link below to open another tab with the printable version of the template.
I also created a printable version of my own typical grocery list. In case you don't know where to start, you can use my grocery list or edit it however you'd like. (Just keep in mind, I am not a registered dietitian...yet! So please always consult your doctor and a registered dietitian beforehand when it comes to making any changes to your diet and lifestyle).
I've also included here a grocery list game plan template from ChooseMyPlate.gov. It's another great option for planning out your grocery buying. Well...I will say...I am biased. I like mine better. But this works great too.
Happy Healthy Grocery Shopping!
Jenni C.